Hoy traigo más avances del jardín. La otra jardinera y el muro, el cual les contaba me dio algunos dolores de cabeza.
Muestro primero la segunda jardinera, la cual he hecho siguiendo los parámetros de la primera, combinación de materiales, plantas plásticas modificadas, otras hechas en papel por mí, flower soft etc.
Today I want to show you my progress with the garden. I am bringing the other flower box and the wall, which has given me some headaches.
Let me show your first the second flower box which I have made following the parameters of the first, a combination of materials, modified plastic plants, other plants made by me with paper, flower soft etc.
The little barrel with plants, on the left, it´s part of the invisible friend Christmas gift I got from Myriam.
La idea es lograr un look un poco salvaje, ¿os gusta?
The idea was to create a wild look, do you like it?
Por otra parte, llevo más de un mes trabajando en el muro. Mi idea era hacer un muro de piedra, desgastado. El primer intento no me gustó mucho. Al ser un muro de piedra, lo ideal sería hacerlo con cartón de huevos, pero nada más de pensarlo me daban ganas de llorar. Ya lo hice con la fachada de mi English Cottage, el resultado fue maravilloso, pero la tarea fue titánica. Para superficies pequeñas, bien, pero este muro es bastante largo y con dos caras. En fin, este fue el primer intento, no os burléis por favor, hasta verguenza me da mostrarlo.
On the other hand, I have been working on the wall for more than a month. My idea was to make an old stone wall. I did not like my first attempt very much. Being a stone wall, the ideal would be to do it with egg cardboard, but just thinking about it made me want to cry. I already did it with the facade of my English Cottage, the result was wonderful, but the task was titanic. For small surfaces, fine, but this wall is quite long and with two faces. In short, this was the first attempt, do not laugh please, I even feel embarrassed to show it:
Le pido opinión a mi marido y su respuesta me dejó desvastada, jaja, que la separación entre las piedras no era natural, el color muy oscuro, etc. Su honestidad a veces es brutal. El flojo trabaja doble, dicen por ahí...
I asked my husband for his opinion and his answer left me devastated, lol, that the separation between the stones was not natural, the colour was very dark, etc. His honesty is sometimes brutal. They say the lazy works twice...
Me tomó varios días recuperarme de la decepción. Se me ocurrió seguir con la misma técnica, cubrir el muro con masilla plástica y esculpir la piedra. Pero esta vez siguiendo un patrón diferente.
It took me several days to recover from the disappointment. I continued with the same technique, covering the wall with plaster and sculpting the stone. This time I made a different pattern.
No está mal creo, luego era cuestión de lograr dar el efecto con pinturas. Así quedó:
It's not bad, I think. Then it was a matter of achieving the effect I wanted with paints. Here it is:
Por favor ignoren la parte central, ese fue otro experimento fallido jaja.
Please ignore the central part, that was another failed experiment haha.
Como también quería que el camino de entrada fuera de piedra, muy desgastado, seguí experimentando con la masilla plástica, esculpiendo las piedras con un palillo y dando mucha textura con los dedos, papel, etc. El resultado no me disgusta, el problema fue encontrar los colores apropiados para que luciera real.
As I also wanted the driveway to be made of very old stone, I kept experimenting with the plaster, sculpting the stones with a toothpick and giving a lot of texture with my fingers, paper, etc. I didn´t dislike the result, the problem was finding the right colours to make it look real:
Después de pintarlo unas 3 veces con diferentes combinaciones, finalmente encontré una que me satisfizo.
After painting it about 3 times with different combinations, I finally found one that I was satisfied with.
No he podido hacer una foto que le haga justicia, cuestión de luz, pero me encanta el resultado.
I have not been able to take a picture that does it justice, a matter of light, but I love the result:
Ahora a falta de muchos detalles os muestro como va quedando el jardín de Rebeca.
Now although there are many things still to make, let me show you how Rebeca´s garden is going:
Pueden apreciar también en la foto que finalmente he puesto el tejado, a falta de ponerle las tejas, esa es otra historia :)
You can also see in the photo that I have finally put the roof on, I still need to put on the tiles. That's another story :)
He llegado a pensar que casi termino esta casa pero todavía quiero hacer la glicina mucho más frondosa, poner unas margaritas, amapolas y narcisos regados aquí y allá, de manera silvestre por el jardín, agregar verdín al muro y al camino de entrada, poner una casita de pájaros, quizás una fuente para los pájaros también. Madre mía, entonces me doy cuenta que sin contar con el techo y las puertas, de terminada nada. Sin embargo es todo por ahora, espero les haya gustado como va quedando el jardín.
I have come to think that I am about to finish this house but I still want to make the wisteria much more leafy, add some daisies, poppies and daffodils scattered here and there, wildly in the garden; add some moss to the wall and the driveway, have a bird house, maybe a fountain for the birds too. Oh my, then I realise that without counting the roof and the doors, it´s far from finished. However,this is all for now, I hope you like how the garden is going.
Les recuerdo que estoy de sorteo el próximo 15 de mayo. Aquí se pueden apuntar :)
Hasta pronto!!! See you later!!!
Alex 😊😊😊😊
First of all: I love how you arranged the plants! It looks so realistic!
ResponderEliminarThe walls are looking very good now! Yes, my husband is the same, he just says it as he thinks it hahaha!
The whole house is beautiful, with the lace curtains and the lovely garden. I also like the entrance very much :-).
Greetings! Linda
ResponderEliminarAhora si que luce mucho más esa entrada. Realza muchísimo las columnas. Me encanta, antes pasaban desapercibidas.
Felicidades, el doble trabajo ha merecido la pena.
Un abrazo
superbs flowers and the garden is very welcoming!
ResponderEliminarHola Alexandra,
ResponderEliminarQué maravilloso trabajo. los jardines de flores debajo de las ventanas son hermosos. Se ven tan realistas con las plantas silvestres asumiendo lentamente. Es encantador y la casa en sí es simplemente hermosa. Creo que tu esposo te hizo un favor al final porque el borde final de piedra es absolutamente perfecto. me gustan los colores que elegiste y creo que tu trabajo de piedra está muy bien hecho. Qué propiedad tan maravillosa en miniatura.
Gran abrazo
Tus ensayos con paredes y suelos han quedado geniales, y tus parterres preciosos.
ResponderEliminarMe gusta la forma en que has combinado las plantas.
I believe the reason we ask for our close ones' opinion is because we are not completely sure and although we have to make an extra effort it's worth the trouble. The walls look great and the garden is stunning. The driveway too looks great.
ResponderEliminarHugs, Drora
la casa gana un montón con este jardincito delantero de quita y pon ! ( y tu marido tenía razón con la piedra del muro ...jaaaa)
ResponderEliminarHi Alex! I agree with Drora, I have come to realize that if I have to ask whether I have done it well enough... then usually the answer is "no"! If I thought it was right I would not think to ask! LOL! So doing it again has helped you learn so much and the second attempt is wonderful looking! The colors are much more in harmony with the house and the garden itself... it looks more natural! And the plants themselves look great too! I agree with the "wild" style of garden... it is much more fun to look at and we can even add a "weed" or two! I am sure you will find many more things to add... but the garden looks great so far and really makes the house feel like a home!
ResponderEliminarBien Alex,me gusta que aceptases las críticas de tu marido con el primer ensayo de piedras,efectivamente muy separadas y nada naturales,pero que después del disgusto,tu cabeza siguiera dando vueltas para solucionarlo.Los muros esculpidos han quedado muchísimo mejor y el color muy acertado! me hubiera encantado estar cerca de ti para ayudarte,porque confieso que es una de las partes que más me gusta hacer,amo esculpir piedras!!!
ResponderEliminarLa segunda parte del jardín,al igual que la primera es preciosa,me encanta el aspecto un poco salvaje o "integral" de las plantas,que crecen a su aire,dando color a esas macetas!!!
Con lo de las tejas te entiendo,es también una de las partes que más me cuesta hacer,pero con paciencia (mucha) llegarás a buen término con esa preciosa casa,lo demás será pulir detalles.
Mucho ánimo,que está quedando preciosa!!!
Okay - first of all a giant hug! Honesty is good, but the method with which it gets delivered is an art form some humans do not posses. To those of us who are sensitive, it can be a weapon of great devastation. I hope your husband is willing to take a little constructive criticism himself, and structure his honesty with a little more love.
ResponderEliminarSecond - the first stone wall isn't all that bad! You can always add some variance to the color, and wide grout lines are only crying out for lots of moss. I hope you rescue it and use it in another project.
The second wall and the sidewalk are wonderful! I love that you used differing colors to make each one stand out! It complements the house so nicely, and really adds a finishing touch!
I LOVE the garden. "Wild and woolly" are the first thoughts that came to mind when I saw it! So many flowers and plants give one so much to absorb, and it is marvelous!
Thank you for your sympathy Jodi. I know what you´re saying. In all honesty my husband, poor thing, I´m giving him a reputation, is a sweet guy and although honest, he is very supportive of my mini work. And believe me, he tried to say it in the best way possible. I just could not face to do all the work all over again ha! Giac is right, he did me a favour in the end. And he told me what I already knew when I asked for his opinion, as Drora and Betsy said. Thank you for your words, I am happy you can see what I am intending to do, it means a lot!
EliminarAl final ha merecido la pena , has hecho un trabajo fantástico, y tu jardín divino:-)
ResponderEliminarHi Alexandra. It is hard to be told your work is lacking and I agree with Jodi that there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. It sounds like you have moved on from your disappointment though, and your technique has definitely improved. I agree with Jodi too that the first wall could still be used. Maybe add some extra stones with air dry clay, lighten the colours, add some more variations in paint colour, and some moss. Anyway, the garden looks fabulous!
ResponderEliminar¡qué bonito! el trabajo ha valido la pena, jejeje
ResponderEliminargracias por compartirlo
Te queda preciosa la casa con este jardín . Tu marido tenia muchísima razón y valió la pena el cambio , quedo muchísimo mejor ya lo creo !
ResponderEliminarUn beso
I hope you've let your husband out of the doghouse, because your second wall is Definitely A KEEPER! :D
ResponderEliminarThe warm color of the stone wall picks up the color of the glazing bars in the windows and connects so Beautifully with the garden path leading up to the front door which I find visually appealing and Very Inviting!
I also like the free-style plantings in your flower beds. They reminds me of how my mother used to grow her gardens, full of Exuberance, Love and Color!
Well Done Alexandra :D
Dear Alexandra, The garden is lovely - well worth all your efforts.
ResponderEliminarI must say I have often thought I was finished part of a project when my better half brings me back to earth with a few words or even a raised eyebrow!
Sometimes we just do not want to hear it!
It was well worth your extra efforts! Now it is really done.
All the best Janine
As they say at the wedding - in good and in bad times... in the end it's good to have a partner who is standing at your side being supportive, making you quit on a wall that would have bothered you forever and forcing you to improve you skills. He was very successful with that because your new garden wall and also the path turned out awesome. And I like the wild look of this garden very much. About all the work that's left to be done - according to me only a dollhouse in progress is a good dollhouse... ;O)