Como ya les había contado, le toca el turno al jardín. Las plantas, jardines, invernaderos, etc, son de las cosas que más me gustan en mini, siento fascinación por ellas y es de lo que más hago en mini.
As I already told you, it is time to make the garden. Plants, gardens, greenhouses and such, are one of the things that I like the most in miniature, I am fascinated by them and that is what I do most in mini.
Quiero que el jardín de la casa de Rebeca esté rodeado de un muro de piedra (ya os contaré, en otra entrada, mis aventuras y desventuras con esta idea) y que no sea muy prolijo, más bien un poco descuidado, que Rebeca ya está mayor y su pensión de viudez no alcanza para contratar servicios de jardinería, así que hace lo que puede y esto tiene que notarse en su jardín.
I want Rebecca's house garden to be surrounded by a stone wall (I will tell you, in another entry, my adventures and misadventures with this idea), a garden that it is not very neat, rather a little careless. Rebecca is a senior and her widow's pension is not enough to hire gardening services, so she does what she can and her garden must reflect that.
Con esta idea empecé por el césped./ With this idea in mind I started working on the grass.
Hice una mezcla de los materiales que muestro a continuación, los cuales conseguí principalmente en las conocidas tiendas orientales.
I made a mixture of the materials I am showing below, which I got mainly in the well-known "oriental" shops. (Here in Spain they are shops with a great variety of cheap goods and managed by people from China)
Algunas piedrillas, que no sé cómo conseguí y esta es la mezcla/ Some pebbles, that I don´t remember how I got. This is the mixture:
Hasta pelos de gato hay!! perdonadme, pero ya me he rendido, estoy condenada a encontrar pelo de gato en todas partes.
There are cat hairs !! forgive me, but I've given up, I'm doomed to find cat hair everywhere.
Luego de poner pegamento y cubrir la superficie con la mezcla, puse un poco de flower soft aquí y allá y este es el resultado.
After adding glue and covering the surface with the mixture, I put a little flower soft here and there and this is the result:
Me encantó, me parece que quedó muy realista y natural./ I love it, I think it looks very real and natural.
Olvidé decir que el jardín es un jardín removible, puesto que de otra manera no se podría abrir la fachada delantera de la casa. Todo está construido sobre una lámina de madera cortada a la medida y encajada a la casa y que se puede quitar y poner a gusto para poder abrir la casa y ver su interior.
I forgot to mention that the garden is a removable garden, otherwise the front facade could not be opened. Everything is built on a sheet of wood, cut to size and fitted to the house, that can be removed to open the house and see the inside.
Lo primero que he hecho es una jardinera con ladrillos, los cuales envejecí con muchas capas de pintura de diferentes colores para darles el aspecto de que han estado allí mucho tiempo y han sufrido los embates del tiempo y los elementos.
The first thing I have done is a brick planter, which I aged with many layers of paint of different colours, to give it the appearance that it has been there a long time and has suffered the effects of time and elements.
Así eran/ They bricks looked like this:
Empecé por la jardinera izquierda. Como quiero que se vea descuidado y natural he decidido que utilizaré variedad de materiales y no solo plantas en papel hechas por mí, pues me da la impresión que si solo utilizara un tipo de material se vería un poco menos natural.
I started with the left planter. Since I want it to look careless and natural, I have decided that I will use a variety of materials and not just paper plants made by me, as it gives me the impression that if I only used one type of material it would look a little less natural.
Como nos pasa a todas las que compatimos este hobby, tengo muchas cosas guardadas por si acaso. Les muestro mis intentos de hacer plantas con diferentes elementos.
As it happens to all of us who share this hobby, I have many things stored just in case. Let me show you my attempts to make plants with different elements:
Pintura y un poco de flower soft/ With paint and a little bit of flower soft:
Tenía unas flores muy feas, las cuales no sabía que hacer con ellas y se me ocurrió pintarlas.
I had some very ugly flowers, and for a while I did not know what to do with them so it occurred to me to paint them:
Me parece a mí que quedan unos girasoles muy aparentes/ I think they make very decent sunflowers:
Va tomando forma/ It is taking shape:
Seguí buscando material aquí y allá e hice algunas plantas. La lavanda es una de mis favoritas y también hice una Hosta pues quería ver si podía hacerla pues no es muy complicada.
I kept looking for materials here and there and made some plants. Lavender is one of my favourite plants and I also made a Hosta, I wanted to see if I could do it as it is not very difficult.
Me encantaría algún día hacer una hiedra desde cero. Sin embargo, los tutoriales que he visto me atemorizan, seguramente algún día la intentaré pero por lo pronto se me ocurrió recortar la forma de las hojas de hiedra en unas ramas plásticas que tenía y luego dar pintura en los bordes.
One day I would love to make an ivy from scratch. However, the tutorials I have seen frighten me, surely one day I will try but for the moment I had the idea to cut the shape of the ivy leaves on some plastic branches that I had and then paint the edges.
El resultado/ The result:
El resultado final de la jardinera/ The garden box finished:
Falta mucho por hacer todavía en este jardín, pero me doy por satisfecha con los avances. ¿Qué os parece? ¿Os gusta?
There is still a lot to do in this garden, but I am pleased with the progress. What do you think? Do you like it?
Nos vemos pronto. Un abrazo.
See you soon. Hugs.
Alex 😊😊😊
Hola Alexandra,
ResponderEliminar¡Lo amo! Hiciste un trabajo excelente con el paisajismo. Todo parece muy realista y complementa la casa bellamente.
Bien hecho.
Gran abrazo
Hello Alex! Your little garden looks beautiful! It is very realistic. I love the Hosta :-). Great work!!!
ResponderEliminarvery nice this garden!
Te ha quedado estupendo todo . Felicidades .
ResponderEliminarUn beso
I do like the wild look of the garden, and your ideas for re-purposing the artificial plants and flowers worked out well. I always find little doggy hairs in my glue at the most inopportune moments, but have decided to smile at them and be grateful that I am loved so much by my furry friends that I am forever coated in their hair. Looking forward to the next installment of Rebecca's House!
ResponderEliminarMe gusta y mucho! la parte del terreno te ha quedado auténtica y las flores en la jardinera son preciosas,fíjate esas flores feas que tu decías los bonitos girasoles que has sacado de ellas,genial Alex!!!!
hummmm se nota que llega la primavera....
ResponderEliminarTe ha quedado genial,has conseguido una mezcla fantástica perece un jardín de verdad :-)
ResponderEliminarSe nota que te gustan las flores, te han quedado estupendas, los girasoles preciosos y esa mezcla de los chinos es un suelo perfecto.
ResponderEliminarUn abrazo
Muy bonito.Bss
ResponderEliminarBonito, bonito, bonito!!! ♥
ResponderEliminarTe ha quedado fantástico pero hecho en falta una foto final del conjunto para disfrutar de el al completo.
ResponderEliminarCasi veo a Rebeca en cada rincón cuidando de sus plantas super realistas.
Te ha quedado estupendo!!
ResponderEliminarUn rincón encantador, te ha quedado estupendo !!!!
ResponderEliminarIt's looking pretty. I love your realistic grass.
ResponderEliminarHi Alexandra! I love how your garden is "growing" in such a realistic and natural way! The grass mixture looks very authentic and the cinder-block planters are fantastic!!! They look so well worn and old .... just right for the theme of this garden! You are discovering great ways to make the plants too... I will need to try your ivy method someday! It looks very good with the hosta too! Your sunflowers are very realistic and cheerful too! I think it is a great idea to have the garden "removable"... I have been trying to plan one like that for my Lovely Old Dollhouse for years and years.... (it is still all in my head and not started yet...! LOL!) So I am looking at yours with great interest to see how it grows!!! :)
ResponderEliminarEres una jardinera de las buenas ..buenísimas .. te esta quedando fabuloso y reciclando mucho mejor .. me encanta .. bsss
ResponderEliminarI really love your garden - but most of all your grass mix. The effect is awesome! And I also like how you're having a story in your mind when working on the garden. Making it a removable garden is a wonderful idea... and who knows... maybe some day you will follow Betsy's example and you'll create a garden for Rebecca for every season... *devilish-grin*
Hi Alexandra!
ResponderEliminarWhat I've really enjoyed about your garden, is seeing the mix of materials you've chosen to modify and how Wonderful they all look together! VERY Pretty!
The color combinations of the flowers against the body of the house are Very Cheerful and stand out really well!
The idea of making your garden removable is PERFECT- it makes it so much easier to work on and if you ever move the house, you'll be soooo glad that you did it this way! :D
The garden looks beautiful.