lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

Se acerca Navidad/ Christmas is coming


No he hecho muchos avances en la casa de Tulio y Carmen por estar ocupada con otros menesteres. Esto es lo avanzado hasta ahora:

I have not made much progress in Tulio and Carmen´s house as I have been busy making other things. This is the progress so far:

He terminado de empapelar y poner la moldura que divide los papeles. Me gusta como va quedando pero es obvio que es necesario poner rodapiés y molduras en el techo.

I have finished wallpapering and putting the moulding that divides the papers. I like how it looks, but it is obvious that it is necessary to put skirting boards and mouldings on the ceiling.

En la cocina he hecho la nevera, y no ha quedado mal, pero no abre. No me apetecía complicarme la vida y no tengo miniaturas guardadas para rellenarla. Como ya lo hice para la cocina de Rita (una nevera llenita de alimentos), no lo vi necesario en este caso. Todavía no he decidido el color, la nevera de mi casa de la infancia era verde y la de mi abuela creo blanca, he de pensarlo. También falta terminar el horno, botones, etc., pero ya he puesto el grifo del fregadero.

In the kitchen I made the fridge, and it´s not bad, but it does not open. I didn't feel like complicating my life and I don't have miniatures saved to fill it. As I already did it for Rita's kitchen (filled a fridge with loads of food), I didn't see it necessary in this case. I still have not decided the color; the fridge in my childhood´s house was green and I think my grandmother's was white, I have to think about it. I also need to finish the oven, buttons, etc., but I have made the faucet.

Y este año me ha picado el gusanillo de la Navidad. El año pasado tuve la suerte de recibir muchas minis navideñas y quiero aprovecharlas y darles un lugar especial.

And this year the Christmas bug has bitten me. Last year I was lucky enough to receive many Christmas minis and I want to make the best of them and give them a special place.

Esta idea me llamó mucho la atención buscando inspiración en la web. Una ventana falsa, a modo de estantería, decorada con motivos navideños. Aquí utilicé una ventana que ya tenía.

Y esto me llevó a hacer otra, en un estilo un poco vintage, solo por probar. Esta ventana sí la hice de cero y se nota, pero es vintage!! vedla:

This idea caught my attention looking for inspiration on the web. A false window, as a shelf, decorated with Christmas ornaments. Here I used a window that I already had.

And this led me to do another one, in a slightly vintage style, just to try. I did this window from scratch and it shows, but it's vintage !! See it:

A mí me ha parecido muy mona y creo que es original y puede adornar algún rinconcillo. Os gusta?

It seems very cute to me and I think it is original and can decorate some corner. Do you like it?

También me puse a hacer pruebas con esas "mesillas" que vienen con las pizzas. Solo fue buscar imágenes en Internet, darles el diámetro adecuado (4 cm) y voila! Hice varios motivos.

I also started testing with those "tables" that come with pizzas. It was just a matter of looking for images on Internet, giving them the right diameter (4 cm) and voila! I made a few with different motifs.

Hay mesillas infantiles reales, muy parecidas, las habéis visto?

There are very similar real children's tables, have you seen them?

Y aquí ya las pueden ver colocadas. A lo mejor a alguno le entusiasma la idea.

And here you can see them placed. Maybe someone is excited about the idea.

Sigo con mis enredos navideños. Una cosa llevó a la otra y de la ventana pasé a una caja de vinos que poco a poco voy decorando.

I continue with my Christmas experiments. One thing led to another and from the window I went to a wine box that I am slowly decorating.

Qué os parece? Todavía no la termino, pero tiempo hay. Ya os mostraré el resultado final con todas las minis que recibí el año anterior.

What do you think? I haven't finished it yet, but there is time. I will show you the final result with all the minis I received last year.

Tengo más cosas que contaros, estoy muy emocionada porque mañana me voy de viaje a Londres por unos días, ya sabéis que cada tanto vamos a visitar a nuestra familia allí. Pues esta vez he logrado organizar las cosas de tal modo que podré visitar la Feria de Miniaturas de Kensington!!! Ahhh, todavía no me lo puedo creer, no sé si podré comprar algo, creo que los artesanos que van son tan TOP que a lo mejor excede mi presupuesto, pero estoy segura que al menos voy a poder deleitarme contemplando muchas maravillas. Ya os contaré a mi regreso.

I have more things to tell you, I'm very excited because tomorrow I'm going to London for a few days, you know that every so often we visit our family there. Well, this time I have managed to organize things in such a way that I can visit the Kensington Dollshouse Festival!!! Ahhh, I still can't believe it, I don't know if I will be able to buy anything, I think that the artisans that go there are so TOP that it might exceeds my budget, but I'm sure that at least I will be able to be delighted admiring many wonderful miniatures. I'll tell you on my return.

Y por último, sabéis algunos que tengo la tradición de hacer un pequeño sorteo por mi cumpleaños, pues bien cumplo el 29 de este mes 50 años!!! Tampoco lo puedo creer, si me siento de 25 jeje, pero bueno aunque no habrá grandes celebraciones, celebraré con mi hija menor e iré a Kensington, me doy por bien servida.

And finally, some of you know that I have the tradition of making a small giveaway for my birthday, well, I turn 50 on the 29th this month. 50! Nor can I believe it, I feel 25 LOL, but although there will be no big celebrations, I will celebrate with my youngest daughter and will go to Kensington, so I consider myself well served.

Y el sorteo será mi ventana vintage, que espero os guste, y sus accesorios. Para participar es lo mismo de siempre, un comentario en esta entrada diciendo que queréis participar y ser seguidores. Como no regreso hasta la próxima semana, haré el sorteo el 4 de diciembre y ese día os contaré los resultados.

And the giveaway will be my vintage window and its accessories, which I hope you like. To participate is the same as always, a comment in this post saying that you want to participate and be followers. As I do not return until next week, I will do the draw on December 4 and that day I will post the results.

Hasta Pronto! See you soon!


16 comentarios:

  1. Lo primero de todo muchas felicidades por tu próximo cumpleaños!!.
    Te veo entretenida en un monton de nuevos proyectos, creo que eso nos pasa a casi todas, hay que tener varias cosas empezadas a la vez.
    Encantada de participar en tu sorteo.
    Besotes. Ana (analabea)

  2. si que has estado ocupada, sí...felicidades para el 29, participo y subo a mi barra lateral

  3. Bueno, los 50 son los nuevos 30, disfruta mucho de la familia y de la feria, muero de envidia,lo que me gustaría ir.
    Un besin muy muy fuerte y feliz, feliz cumpleaños.

  4. You say that you haven't made much of progress so far, but I think you did. It are the little things which are needed to make progress ;).
    I love your idea for making Christmas windows, never seen before, so thank you for sharing, Alex!!
    Those tables are so adorable, how lovely they look. I love the ones for kids with the animals faces, so very cute.
    Your roombox for Christmas will become beautifu, it already is now.
    What a great present for your 50th birthday: a ticket to Kensington Dollhouse Festival, cool!! In advance I wish you a very Happy 50th Birthday, Alex, enjoy your visit to Kensington, tell us later all about it, okay!!??
    Besos, Ilona

  5. Congratulations for your coming birthday, young lady!
    What a treat, a ticket to the Kensington Dollhouse Festival!
    Enjoy and take photos to show.
    I love your windows and I love what you did to the Pizza tables, especially love the mandelas.
    Thank you for your giveaway. Will have your link on my blog.
    Hugs, Drora

  6. Me gusta eso de estar con varios proyecto a la vez,sobre todo cuando son tan bonitos como nos enseñas,me gusta todo: los avances en la casa,esas mesas-pizza,las ventanas navideñas...que bonito todo Alex!!!
    Y feliz cumple por adelantado!!

  7. Has estado muy trabajadora, y todo está precioso.
    Las mesas y detalles navideños me encantan.
    Muchas felicidades por adelantado y me alegro que puedas ir a la feria, te envidio un montón 😉.
    Subo el enlace a mi blog.

  8. Pues disfruta mucho del cumple y de la feria. Me han encantado las mesas y las ventanas y me parece una estupenda idea el proyecto navideño de la caja de vino.

  9. I'm late but still too early to congratulate to your birthday - but I can reassure you that turning 50 doesn't hurt! ;O) And what a special birthday gift you got - visiting this famous fair is for sure a treat, I'm wishing you loads of fun and am already looking forward to your report.

    Your newest miniature work is fantastic, so lovely to see the house develop. And (surprise!) I really love your Christmas project - feeling very honored to discover many of my modest gifts in it. Have fun - both in London and with your minis.


  10. What an EXCELLENT way to celebrate your 50th birthday by going to the Kensington Fair!!! :D
    Meanwhile your various Christmas projects, and ESPECIALLY the little tables/ chairs conversions from the pizza boxes, are simply Adorable, Alexandra!!! :D

  11. A ticket for the Kensington Dollhouse Festival, beautiful!
    Your Christmas roombox and tabs look fantastic.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. Pues si que se ven avances aunque tu digas que pocos no has parado.
    Las ventanas son muy originales y seguro que queda una escena maravillosa.
    Un saludo

  13. I love the moldings and the fridge - great progress! I love the Christmas box idea and both window shelves! What a great way to enjoy the season and remember the generosity of friends! Your window shelf looks great and you should be proud of your work!
    I will not enter for the drawing because I have a whole Christmas cottage already, but I am excited for you about the Kensington show! I hope you are able to find some amazing treasures that fall within your budget!
    Happy Birthday! 50 is a great milestone, and us moms tend to get forgotten so it's important to remember ourselves. Do something especially nice for yourself because you deserve it!

  14. Eres mi "mini-decoradora" favorita, Alex!!! :)

  15. Hi Alexandra! I hope you had a Fantastic time at the Kensington Show! I am sure you found a few things that had to come home with you! And I hope you had a wonderful Birthday too! I am enjoying seeing the house decorations you are making and those little tables are very cute! Tulio and Carmen's house is getting "cozier" with every detail you add, and I can't wait to see more! :):)

  16. Alexandra, the giveaway is lovely and I will participate if not too late. But also want to say how lovely this house is looking. I really like it. The fridge looks great and I don’t think it needs to open. Also, happy birthday! Isn’t it amazing how all those years just disappear? I am not far behind you at 44 and still think I am young - middle aged is an uncomfortable term!
